Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Sok Voeun, Chief Executive Officer, obtained his Master’s Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance and Banking at Build Bright University in Cambodia in 2005. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Economic Science in Management of Enterprise at the former Faculty of Law and Economics in 2000. He has attended many training programs in Cambodia and many other countries related to microfinance, leadership, credit management, financial management, human resources management, risk management, good governance, digital innovation and mobilization, Environmental and Social Impact, etc. He served in ACLEDA Bank Plc. as Credit Officer from 2000-2001 and he was promoted to Head of Credit Control Unit in Head Office from 2001 to 2005. From 2005 to 2010, he was the Operations Manager in SATHAPANA Ltd. (MFI) in charge of day-to-day operations which included managing loans, savings, money transfer transactions and market expansion. He started working for LOLC as Chief Operations Officer in April 2010, and he was promoted to be Deputy Chief Executive Officer in December 2012. Currently, he is the Chief Executive Officer as appointed by the Board of Directors effective from June 1st, 2014.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Sok Sophal obtained his Master’s Degree in Finance at the National University of Management in 2007. He received his Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in English, majoring in International Business at Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) in 2005 and his Bachelor’s Degree of Economics Science, majoring in Management of Enterprise at the former Faculty of Law and Economics in 2000. He has attended numerous trainings such as: In 2022, Global Climate Partnership Fund Academy 2022 in Switzerland; 21st Century Board Leadership Model Masterclass, conducted by CA Sri Lanka Business School; In 2019, Boulder Program with concentration in Management and Leadership (Italy); In 2018, Certified Management Accountant Program, focus on strategic cost management and strategic business analysis; Board Leadership Program conducted by Thai Institute of Directors; In 2016, Leadership and Diversity for Innovation Program by Women’s World Banking (USA); In 2014, Advanced Management Program by Cornell University (Sri Lanka); In 2013, Syndication Loan Pricing & Structuring by Universal Network Intelligence (Malaysia). On top of these, he also attended several other workshops and training courses. Regarding working experiences, he worked with ACLEDA Bank Plc. starting as Management Accountant staff, subsequently promoted to AVP& Manager of Management Accounting Unit under Finance Department (2001-2008). In 2008, he was promoted to be Assistant Senior Vice President (responsible for investment) of the Legal and Corporate Affairs Division in ACLEDA Bank. In January 2009, he was promoted to be Deputy Head of Capital Market Division of ACLEDA Bank Plc. Mr Sok Sophal starts working with LOLC (Cambodia) Plc. in August 2010 as a Chief Finance Officer, and he has been promoted to be Deputy Chief Executive Officer since March 2019.
Chief Risk Officer
Mrs. Svoeuy Sodyna, Chief Risk Officer, has completed ACCA Qualification from the most extensive professional accounting institute in the United Kingdom. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting from the National University of Management in 2006. In addition to her academic qualification, she obtained Advance Diploma in Accounting from CamEd Business School in early 2013. She attended numerous professional courses including risk management, financial management, strategic planning and other microfinance-related courses. She worked with one of the “big four” international accounting firm as Audit Senior for nearly four years in which the responsibility included leading the audit teams and completing the statutory and compliances audit for various industries included Banks and MFIs. She started working with LOLC in May 2011 and was promoted to be Chief Risk Officer in March 2018.
Chief Channel Officer
Mr Romesh Perera, Chief Channel Officer had served in LOLC Finance Plc. (LOFC) Sri Lanka from August 2004 till June 2017 for a period of 13 years, prior joining LOLC (Cambodia) Plc. He holds an Assistant General Manager position there. He has served in Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI) during the past 23 years in both license finance companies and specialized bank in Sri Lanka, holding senior managerial positions before taking over as Chief Channel Officer in LOLC (Cambodia) Plc. He has a wide range of expertise and experience in both specialized banking and the NBFI sector covering Sales & Marketing, Credit risk, Recovery Management and Finance. His responsibilities included, Conventional and Islamic financing, trade financing, leasing, asset financing, savings and deposits growth, pawning operations, and cross operational functions. He has successfully completed numerous professional courses related to “Hire purchase and leasing financing”, “Leasing & credit management”, “Strategic planning and business plan development” and other banking & microfinance-related courses. The expertise and the performance in the managerial positions held in Sri Lanka opened him the opportunity to take over an assignment for the LOLC group in Cambodia. Mr Romesh joined LOLC (Cambodia) Plc in June 2017 as Specialist - Leasing and Asset Finance. Currently, he is the Chief Channel Officer in charge of the branch network effective from August 2018.
Chief Deposit and Financial Services Officer
Mrs. Chheang Kagna obtained a Master’s Degree in Business Administration at Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC) in 2012. She graduated Bachelors Degree of English Literature from PUC in 2010 and Management of Enterprise from Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) in 2000. She has attended various local and international training and workshops on relevant courses related to microfinance managing growth and impact, emerging digital baking, sale and relationship, customer services, product development, retail banking operation and leadership. Ms Chheang Kagna has lots of experiences in banking and microfinance sector since early 2000. She started her career with ACLEDA Bank in the skill of Treasury and Finance in early 2000. From 2007 to 2016, being Head of Deposit Department at SATHAPANA Bank Plc., she conceptualized, introduced and mobilized the success to SATHAPANA’s deposit products and financial services. Moreover, in 2015-2016, she also involved in merging of MAHUHAN Japan Bank with SATHAPANA Limited and transforming to become a commercial bank. Ms Chheang Kagna has been working with LOLC (Cambodia) Plc. Since January 2016 as Head of Deposit and Financial Services Department and she has been promoted to be Chief Digital Financial Services and Deposit Officer since March 2019.
Chief Information Officer
Mr. Duleep Liyanage, Chief Information Officer, received his Master’s Degree of Business Administration, majoring in Finance from Postgraduate Institute of Management - University of Sri Jayewardenepura (Sri Lanka). Duleep holds his Bachelor’s Degree (2nd Upper Class) of Business Computing awarded by the University of Wolverhampton (UK). In addition to his academic qualifications, he possesses numerous information security and IT professional governance qualifications, namely, Certified Payment Card Industry Security Implementer (CPISI), a Certified Android Security Specialist and completed requirements for ISO 27001:2013 Lead Auditor. Prior to joining LOLC (Cambodia) Plc, he has over fourteen (14 +) years of extensive experience in Sri Lanka in various levels of Information Technology and Management. He severed more than ten (10+) years for LankaPay (LankaClear (Pvt) Ld.), the National Payment Infrastructure Provider in Sri Lanka under the guidance of Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Duleep has a wide range of experience and expertise in Information Technology, Project Management, Mobile Technologies, Payment Card Platforms and Specializing in Information Security. During his tenure at LankaPay, he rendered his service as a security solution provider for national level payment systems in Sri Lanka such as Online Cheque Image and truncation System (CITS), JustPay – the retail mobile payment system, LankaSign – the PKI based Digital Certification Authority, etc. His diversified exposure and experience also expand not only into Information Technology but also into Information Security, IT Governance, Risk and Compliance, Planning, management of finance, sales and recoveries. Duleep also rendered his service as an Associate Lecturer for Open University in the United Kingdom, the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
Head of Internal Audit Department
Mr. TENG Pheap, Head of Internal Audit Department, obtained his Master’s Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting and Finance at Western University in 2008. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration in Accounting from the National Institute of Business in 2004. He has attended numerous training courses in the areas of internal professional practice framework in Malaysia, business planning and managing growth in the Philippines, effective internal control in Mongolia, bank experience sharing in Sri Lanka, and other training courses in Cambodia on risk management, advance internal auditing, report writing and leadership skill. Pheap has more than 15 years of experience working with Microfinance institutions and Non-Government Organizations in Cambodia, including Catholic Relief Services in 1999-2003 as an internal auditor and as branch manager in 2004 after CRS incorporated as LOLC, Angkor Microfinance Kampuchea (2004-2008) as an audit team leader and regional manager. He starts working at LOLC as Head of Internal Audit Department in December 2008.
Head of Human Resources Department
Mrs. Leng Thavy was awarded a Master of Human Resource Management from Monash University in Australia and a Bachelor of Business Administration from National Institute of Management, Cambodia. Thavy has obtained various awards including Australia Awards Scholarship for postgraduate degree, Mastercard Foundation Scholarship to attend Boulder Microfinance Training, AFD scholarship for Leadership, Innovation, and Creativity to Unleash an Inclusive Economy training, and Australia Awards Short Course for Human Resources Leadership for Future Work training. Besides, she has attended numerous human-resource management and leadership trainings and workshops in various countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Laos, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Australia. Mrs. Thavy possesses nearly 20 years experiences in leading Human Resources function within international NGOs and Microfinance institutions in Cambodia. In addition, she also had experience working overseas in human resource field within cross cultural context including 3 months in Sri Lanka and 1-year part-time experience in Australia. She joined LOLC as Head of Human Resources Department in August 2014.
Head of Treasury Department
Mrs. Try Sola, Head of Treasury Department, is pursuing ACCA Qualification from the largest professional accounting institute in the United Kingdom. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting at the National University of Management in 2011. She attended numerous professional courses including financial management, Anti-money laundering and other microfinance-related courses. She worked with one of the “big four” international accounting firm as Audit Senior for nearly four years in which the responsibility included leading the audit teams and completing the statutory and compliances audit for various industries included Banks and MFIs, company, NGO and other sectors. She joined LOLC in June 2015 as Head of Treasury Department.
Head of Finance Department
Mrs. Keo Taraty, Head of Finance Department, is pursuing ACCA Qualification from the largest professional accounting institute in the United Kingdom. She received her Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration, majoring in Accounting from National University of Management (NUM) in 2010 and received her Bachelor’s Degree of Education, majoring in English Literature from Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) in 2009. She worked with one of the “big four” international accounting firms as Audit Senior for three years in which the responsibility included leading the audit teams and completing the statutory and compliances audit for various industries included Banks and MFIs, companies, NGOs and other sectors. Before joining LOLC, she worked as Accounting Manager at Maybank (Cambodia) Plc. for four years. She joined LOLC in June 2018 as Head of Finance Department.
Head of Information Technology
Mr. Bun Bella, Head of Information Technology Department, obtained his Bachelor’s Degree of Computer Science in 2009 and Master Degree of Science in Information Technology (MsIT) in 2015 from NORTON UNIVERSITY. He has more than 20 years working experience with LOLC Cambodia and other institutions. He has attended IT related projects within LOLC Cambodia such as migration legacy core banking system to T24 system, implementation of ATM/POS switching system (CSS), and NBC’s Projects (FAST, RFT, and Bakong Payment Systems). He attended IT trainings such as ITIL® Foundation, Database Administration, ISO-IEC_27001-2013 and workshops in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Singapore. He started his career with LOLC Cambodia in 2001 as MIS Encoder and he was promoted to MIS Supervisor in 2005. In 2008, with his great working performance with LOLC Cambodia, he was promoted to MIS Unit Manager and later was promoted again to Deputy Head of IT Department in 2015. Since 21 May 2021, he is Head of Information Technology Department of LOLC Cambodia.
Head of Credit Department
Mr. Muth Pisey, Head of Credit Department, obtained his Master’s Degree in Finance at the National University of Management in Cambodia in 2013. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, with a concentration in Tourism from the National University of Management in 2006. He has also participated in training in Cambodia on Real Estate & Property Valuation, Workplace Conflict Resolution and Negation, Practical Branch Management, Capacity Building for Internal Auditors, Employment and Labor Law, Empowering Leadership, among others. He served in SATHAPANA Limited. as Credit Officer from 2006-2008 and he was promoted to Chief of Credit Officer in Ang Snoul District Branch from February 2008 to December 2008. From 2009 to 2010, he was the Provincial Branch Manager of Kampot branch in SATHAPANA Limited (MFI). He started working for LOLC as Branch Management Trainee in May 2010, and he was appointed to be Branch Manager of Suong branch in July 2010. In May 2014, he was promoted to be Head of Administrative and Procurement Department. In March 2017, he moved to Credit Department as a Deputy Head of the Credit Department and a Deputy Head of Business Department in November 2017. He was promoted to be a Head of Credit Department in August 2018.
LOLC’s Company Secretary
Mrs. Kheng Navy, LOLC’s Company Secretary, obtained a Bachelor of Economics in Enterprise Management at Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) in 2010, a Bachelor of Arts in Professional Communication at Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL), the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2012 and completed the research at SOK KONG IMPORT-EXPORT CO., LTD (SOKIMEX). She also obtained a Diploma of the Intensive English for Academic Purposes (IEAP) at Paññāsāstra Institute of Foreign Languages and attended some short courses and training such as Principle of Accounting from Student Resource Development Organization and Report Writing Skill from Action Learning for Development Organization. Before joining in LOLC, she worked for WING (Cambodia) Ltd. as a Call Center Consultant in 2012. She started working at LOLC as an Assistant to Secretary in 2013 and was promoted to be Company Secretary in June 2014.
Head of Sustainability Management Department
Mrs. Nop Socheat, Head of the Sustainability Management Department, earned her master’s degree in risk management in Insurance, Banking and Finance from The Royal University of Law and Economics. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and Banking from the same university, where she was a scholarship student. With a wealth of experience in sustainability management and social performance management within the microfinance sector spanning many years and having undergone numerous training programs focusing on sustainability management, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and leadership skill, she is highly qualified to drive initiatives and lead leads in promoting the implementation of Sustainability Management/ESG by embedded in policies, procedure, and best practices within LOLC Cambodia.
Head of Business Development
Savoeung holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Strategy and Innovation from the Said Business School at the University of Oxford, a dual MBA in Entrepreneurship and Project Management from the University Lumière Lyon II and Lille, France, and executive education in Strategic Leadership in Inclusive Finance from Harvard Business School. He has attended numerous training programs in Cambodia and abroad on impact investment, financial inclusion, leadership, credit, product development, design thinking, risk management, governance, digital transformation, ESG, etc. Savoeung Chann is a dedicated professional with a profound commitment to financial inclusion and ethical business practices. With over two decades of experience in the financial sector across Cambodia, Myanmar, Mongolia, and beyond, he has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive transformative change and foster sustainable growth. Throughout his career, Savoeung has served in senior management and C-suite positions for leading microfinance institutions in Cambodia, Mongolia, and Myanmar. His extensive exposure to financial inclusion initiatives also spans Vietnam and the Philippines. He has been involved with impact investment programs focused on gender and climate lens investment, bolstering Financial Service Providers across the Asia Pacific region. His roles in Transformation and Change Management highlight his ability to drive strategy and strategy execution, corporate finance, organizational design, operational excellence, and leadership development. He started working with LOLC on 1st July 2024.
Head of Digital Development
Yin Chanthyra is the Head of Digital Development of LOLC (Cambodia) Plc., overseeing non-credit product development, branch operations supports and card operations, with over 19 years of experience across digital lending, digital payments, fintech, transformation, business strategy and operations. He has held key leadership roles at fintech startup, local and international financial institutions, telecommunication and throughout his career, he has successfully launched digital banking products, created innovative fintech solutions, a member of core team in establishing mobile payment company and lead business transformation projects. His expertise includes strategic planning, analytical, critical thinking, teamwork and adaptability. He holds a BBA in Accounting from National University of Management and has also earned certificates mobile banking master class program, project management and business improvement methodologies. He joined LOLC (Cambodia) Plc., in August 2024.