Client Success Story

    In addition to enjoying a prosperous and financially stable life, Mrs. Lor Srey Keo leads a life of happiness and fulfilment.

    Her journey is a testament to the incredible transformation possible through commitment and sound financial management, with significant contributions from LOLC Cambodia. Mrs. Lor Srey Keo is a dedicated food seller and salon owner at Krabei Tram Village, Chongruk Commune, Kong Pisei District, Kampong Speu province. She always dreamed of expanding her businesses but lacked the capital to do so. Her journey took a turn for the better when she learned about LOLC Cambodia through her sibling. Seizing the opportunity to realize her dream, Mrs. Srey Keo secured a loan from LOLC Cambodia. Over several loan cycles, she strategically expanded her business, doubling her daily income. This significant increase in earnings has greatly improved her livelihood, allowing her to provide better for her family and invest further in her business. Beyond financial support, the LOLC Cambodia’s staff also provided invaluable financial education awareness, helping Mrs. Srey Keo manage her loans effectively.
    Mrs. Pha Dyna, who sells grocery products and duck eggs, decided to use LOLC's loan to make her business better.

    In the northeast of Cambodia, within the Banlung district of Ratanakiri Province, Mrs. Pha Dyna is thriving as she sells her grocery products and duck eggs, reflecting on her remarkable journey of growth. Before obtaining financial support from LOLC Cambodia, she faced significant challenges in expanding her business and renovating her home. In 2022, Mrs. Pha Dyna received her initial loan from LOLC Cambodia, providing the capital needed to expand her business. Motivated by the positive impact of this first loan, she secured a second loan. This enabled her to purchase additional stock of duck eggs for her broker and to invest further in her grocery business. As a result, her daily income increased remarkably. Recognizing the success of these endeavors, Mrs. Pha Dyna continued to apply for and receive additional loans, successfully completing four consecutive loan cycles to use as working capital. The financial support from LOLC Cambodia has been instrumental in transforming Dyna's life and business, helping her achieve her dreams. Today, she enjoys a thriving business, has renovated her home, and even purchased a motorbike for transportation and convenience. Mrs. Pha Dyna firmly believes that the support from LOLC Cambodia has significantly improved her family's circumstances and prospects.
    Mrs. Sean Kimsan, a seller of men’s and women’s clothing and footwear in Takeo Province, shared her experiences before and after receiving a loan from LOLC.

    "In the past, I lacked capital to run my business effectively, and my inventory was insufficient to meet customer demand," reflected Mrs. Sean Kimsan, a seller with over a decade of experience in selling men's and women's clothing and footwear in Takeo province. One day, she decided to take the opportunity with financial partner, LOLC Cambodia, she applied for loans to expand her business and acquire additional market stalls. After using the loan, she noticed a significant improvement and growth in both her personal life and her business. By using the loan wisely, she was able to enhance her lifestyle and increase her wealth. With this improvement, she acquired four new stalls and expanded her inventory to include a wider variety of men's and women's clothing and shoes to sell. This expansion allowed her to better meet her customers' needs and even attract new customers continuously. "The loan I received from LOLC has greatly improved my family's livelihood," she shared.
    In order to pursue his dream of expanding his business to be more prosperous, Mr. Vong Bunthat chose to use a loan with LOLC to be a partner in investing in the business.

    Meet Mr. Vong Bunthat, a dedicated farmer cultivating cashew, potato, and mushrooms in Ou Tevda Village, Kampong Damrei Commune, Chhloung District, Kratie Province, is determined to elevate his business to greater prosperity. Despite facing financial constraints, a turning point emerged when Bunthat was introduced to LOLC Cambodia by his friend. Then Bunthat made the decision to seek a loan from LOLC Cambodia as his first step towards expanding his agriculture. This marked the commencement of an inspiring journey towards growth and success. Bunthat and his wife utilized the initial loan to purchase farmland and expand their mushroom farm. The infusion of capital quickly led to a flourishing business, attracting a growing customer base. Encouraged by the success of their business growth, Bunthat approached LOLC Cambodia for additional financial support to further expand his enterprise. Securing two more loans, he was able to scale up his plantation and improve the quality of his crops. Bunthat attributes a significant portion of his success to the unwavering support provided by LOLC Cambodia. He expresses profound gratitude for the financial assistance, which was accompanied by reasonable interest rates and convenient terms and conditions. Additionally, LOLC Cambodia equipped him with invaluable financial awareness on the appropriate use of loans and cautioning against resorting to informal lending sources or misusing borrowed funds. This financial education awareness has played a pivotal role in sustaining and expanding his business ventures while also contributing to enhancing his family’s overall financial security.
    Mr. Ek Sovimon’s Success Story with LOLC Cambodia’s Loans

    Mr. Ek Sovimon, a seasoned motorcycle mechanic with years of experience, encountered challenges in expanding his business due to a lack of capital. Recognizing the potential benefits of loan products, he made the strategic decision to approach LOLC Cambodia for financial assistance to propel his business growth. The loans extended to Mr. Ek Sovimon by LOLC Cambodia played a pivotal role in fostering the expansion of his business. With the acquired capital, he was able to augment his inventory of spare parts and repair equipment, thereby enhancing the quality of customer service provided by his establishment. Furthermore, he harbored aspirations of investing by purchasing land that could be sold at a profit when market prices appreciated. In a heartfelt speech, Mr. Ek Sovimon conveyed his profound satisfaction and joy with the loan products and services rendered by LOLC Cambodia. He attributed his ability to elevate his small business into a larger one and substantially boost his monthly income to the support and financial backing received from LOLC Cambodia. Through prudent financial management and leveraging the resources made available through LOLC Cambodia, Mr. Ek Sovimon was able to realize his business ambitions and transform his business into a flourishing venture that not only met but exceeded his expectations.